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100 Queens Park Circle
Toronto, Ontario

A club for people interested in collecting and learning about the science of minerals. 

Club Meetings

Join us for our next meeting on Wednesday November 13th at the University of Toronto, Earth Sciences Centre at 22 Ursula Franklin Street, Room 2093. Arrive after 7pm and visit with friends before the talk begins at 8pm. Our meetings are open to the public so pop in to see us and see what we are about.

At Our Last Meeting

WMC Lectures

The Walker Mineralogical Club is pleased to have had Don Lapham present to us at our meeting on October 9th. Don is retired from 32 years as a Hydrogen Peroxide chemist and is spending retirement full time working on his rock collection.

You're out in the bush or in the middle of a quarry and you've found the specimen of your dreams, but it's on a rock too big for your case or it's covered in rust or grunge, or maybe it's embedded in a solid matrix, or a combination of many of these problems. How do you make it perfect? Don Lapham shared his tools, techniques, insights, and anecdotes into preparation and cleaning specimens.

Upcoming meeting speaker

Our December meeting will feature informal mini talks, socializing and snacks to celebrate the Christmas season.